

Degree Programs

Undergraduate Advising

All students are encouraged to meet with a Faculty Major Advisor at least once yearly to support their academic study of physics and astronomy and facilitate timely graduation.  If problems or challenges arise, please do reach out for more frequent advising meetings so that we may facilitate connecting you with guidance and resources. The department will assign Faculty Major Advisors to all students. If you do not know who your advisor is, please email Academic Office Coordinator Roger Dang.


student and advisor at poster session

Advising FAQ

If your most advanced math class before SF State was:

Then you should take this math course at SF State:

H.S. introductory algebra and geometry and no trigonometry

MATH 197: Prelude to Calculus I, followed by

MATH 198: Prelude to Calculus II

H.S. intermediate algebra and some trigonometry

MATH 197 & 198 (for more review/support), OR

MATH 199: Pre-calculus (faster pace)

H.S. pre-calculus (including a significant amount of trigonometry) with a grade of B or better

MATH 226 (Calculus I)

A.P. Calculus AB with score of 4 or 5

(You earn 4 units of credit for MATH 226.)

MATH 227 (Calculus II)

A.P. Calculus BC with score of 5 overall AND 5 on AB subpart. (You earn 4 units of credit for MATH 227.)

MATH 228 (Calculus III)

(Must meet with math advisor to get approval.)