
Chair: Joseph Barranco
Associate Chair: Huizhong Xu
Astronomy Graduate Coordinator:  Adrienne Cool 
Physics Graduate Coordinator: Maarten Golterman 
Undergraduate Major Advisors - Astronomy: John Brewer, Charli Sakari 
Undergraduate Major Advisors - Physics: Weining Man, Huizhong Xu 
Advisor for K12 Teacher Preparation: Kim Coble

Tenured & Tenure Track Faculty

Joe Barranco
Joseph Barranco (He/Him/His)
Professor, Department Chair
Astrophysical and geophysical fluid dynamics.
(415) 338-2450
John Brewer
John Brewer (He/Him/His)
Associate Professor
Exoplanetary science.
Kim Coble
Kim Coble (She/Her/Hers)
Physics and astronomy education research.
Adrienne Cool
Adrienne Cool (She/Her/Hers)
Professor, Director of SF State Observatory and Hagar Planetarium, Astronomy Graduate Coordinator
Galactic astronomy, globular clusters.
Maarten Golterman
Maarten Golterman (He/Him/His)
Professor, Physics Graduate Coordinator
Theoretical high-energy physics.
Eileen Gonzales
Eileen Gonzales (She/Her/Hers)
Assistant Professor
Low mass stars, brown dwarfs, and giant exoplanets.
Jeff Greensite
Professor (on leave Spring 2025)
Theoretical high-energy physics.
Oscar Macias headshot.
Oscar Macias (He/Him/His)
Assistant Professor
High energy astrophysics and cosmic ray astronomy
Weining Man
Weining Man (She/Her/Hers)
Quantum optics and photonics.
Ron Marzke
Ron Marzke (He/Him/His)
Associate Dean of College of Science and Engineering
Extragalactic astronomy.
Charli Sakari
Charli Sakari (She/Her/Hers)
Associate Professor
Extragalactic astronomy, galactic archaeology.
Huizhong Xu
Huizhong Xu (He/Him/His)
Professor, Associate Chair
Nano-optics and biophysical imaging.

Lecturer Faculty & Adjunct Faculty

Salma Begum
Salma Begum (She/Her/Hers)
Lecturer Faculty
Jeanne Digel
Jeanne Digel (She/Her/Hers)
Lecturer Faculty
Jessica Fielder
Jessica Fielder (She/Her/Hers)
Lecturer Faculty
Supplemental Instruction Program Director
Arefa Hossain
Arefa Hossain (She/Her/Hers)
Lecturer Faculty
Katie Kooistra
Katie Kooistra (She/Her/Hers)
Lecturer Faculty
Chris McCarthy
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Exoplanetary science.
Elaine Tennant
Elaine Tennant (She/Her/Hers)
Lecturer Faculty
Aaron White
Aaron White (He/Him/His)
Lecturer Faculty
Polin Yadak
Lecturer Faculty
Instructor for Pre-Health Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program

Faculty Emeriti

Roger Bland
Professor Emeritus
Experimental Physics, Underwater Acoustics.
Zhigang Chen
Professor Emeritus
Quantum optics and photonics.
Gerald Fisher
Professor Emeritus
Oliver Johns
Professor Emeritus
Susan Lea
Susan Lea (She/Her/Hers)
Professor Emerita
Theoretical astrophysics.
Jim Lockhart
Professor Emeritus
Experimental General Relativity.
Barbara Neuhauser
Professor Emerita
Solid state physics & cryogenic electronics.
Jim Peters
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Charles Shapiro
Professor Emeritus

In Memoriam

Akm Newaz
Associate Professor
Quantum materials and nanodevices.