Find classrooms and times in the SF State class schedule.
Courses offered every semester:
Course |
Title |
ASTR 115 |
Introduction to Astronomy |
ASTR 116 |
Astronomy Laboratory |
ASTR 685 |
Projects in the Teaching of Astronomy |
PHYS 101 |
Conceptual Physics |
PHYS 102 |
Conceptual Physics Laboratory |
PHYS 111 |
General Physics I |
PHYS 112 |
General Physics I Laboratory |
PHYS 121 |
General Physics II |
PHYS 122 |
General Physics II Laboratory |
PHYS 220 |
General Physics with Calculus I |
PHYS 222 |
General Physics with Calculus I Laboratory |
PHYS 230 |
General Physics with Calculus II |
PHYS 232 |
General Physics with Calculus II Laboratory |
PHYS 240 |
General Physics with Calculus III |
PHYS 242 |
General Physics with Calculus III Laboratory |
PHYS 685 |
Instructional Methods in Teaching Physics |
PHYS 686 |
Experiences in Teaching Physics |
Courses offered in Fall semesters:
Course |
Title |
ASTR 301 |
Observational Astronomy Laboratory |
ASTR 400 |
Stellar Astrophysics |
ASTR 700 |
Stellar Astrophysics (paired with ASTR 400) |
ASTR 722 |
Radiative Processes & Stellar Atmospheres (even years) |
PHYS 320 |
Modern Physics I |
PHYS 321 |
Modern Physics Laboratory |
PHYS 330 |
Analytic Mechanics I |
PHYS 385 |
Introduction to Theoretical Physics |
PHYS 430 |
Quantum Mechanics I |
PHYS 460 |
Electricity & Magnetism II (sporadically) |
PHYS 480 |
Introduction to Optics & Photonics |
PHYS 491 |
Advanced Laboratory Techniques I - GWAR |
PHYS 701 |
Classical Mechanics |
PHYS 715 |
Lasers & Quantum Optics (odd years) |
PHYS 725 |
Special & General Relativity (odd years) |
PHYS 726 |
Quantum Field Theory (sporadically) |
PHYS 775 |
Statistical Physics (not offered in Fall 2025) |
PHYS 785 |
Theoretical Physics |
PHYS 885 |
Inclusive Pedagogy for the Physical Sciences |
Courses offered in Spring semesters:
Course |
Title |
ASTR 300 |
Stars, Planets & the Milky Way |
ASTR 340 |
The Big Bang - GWAR |
ASTR 405 |
Exoplanetary Science (even years) |
ASTR 470 |
Observational Techniques |
ASTR 498 |
Astronomy Research Literature (odd years) |
ASTR 742 |
Galaxies & Cosmology (odd years) |
ASTR 770 |
Observational Techniques in Astro. Research (even years) |
ASTR 798 |
Astro Research Literature (with ASTR 498) (odd years) |
PHYS 325 |
Modern Physics II (sporadically) |
PHYS 360 |
Electricity & Magnetism I |
PHYS 370 |
Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics |
PHYS 431 |
Quantum Mechanics II (sporadically) |
PHYS 440 |
Computational Physics (even years) |
PHYS 450 |
Introduction to Solid State Physics (sporadically) |
PHYS 457 |
Introduction to Analog Electronics (substitute ENGR 205 & 206 until further notice) |
PHYS 704 |
Electricity & Magnetism I (even years) |
PHYS 706 |
Quantum Mechanics (not offered in Spring 2026) |
PHYS 710 |
Advanced Laboratory Techniques II (odd years) |
PHYS 712 |
Plasma Physics (odd years) |
PHYS 730 |
Photonics & Nanomaterials (odd years) |
PHYS 740 |
Computational Physics (paired with PHYS 440) (even years) |
Courses in other fields that may count as electives for B.A./B.S. degrees:
Course |
Title |
courses with numbers 300 and above |
courses with numbers 300 and above |
courses with numbers 400 and above |
courses with numbers 300 and above |
BIOL 609 |
Physics in Medicine |
BIOL 627 |
Biophysics |
BIOL 665 |
Optical Engineering for the Biological Sciences |
EED 655 |
Hands-on Undergraduate Science Education Experience |