
Find classrooms and times in the SF State class schedule.

Courses offered every semester:
Course Title
ASTR 115 Introduction to Astronomy
ASTR 116 Astronomy Laboratory
ASTR 685 Projects in the Teaching of Astronomy
PHYS 101 Conceptual Physics
PHYS 102 Conceptual Physics Laboratory
PHYS 111 General Physics I
PHYS 112 General Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 121 General Physics II
PHYS 122 General Physics II Laboratory
PHYS 220 General Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 222 General Physics with Calculus I Laboratory
PHYS 230 General Physics with Calculus II
PHYS 232 General Physics with Calculus II Laboratory
PHYS 240 General Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 242 General Physics with Calculus III Laboratory
PHYS 685 Instructional Methods in Teaching Physics
PHYS 686 Experiences in Teaching Physics
Courses offered in Fall semesters:
Course Title
ASTR 301 Observational Astronomy Laboratory
ASTR 400 Stellar Astrophysics
ASTR 700 Stellar Astrophysics (paired with ASTR 400)
ASTR 722 Radiative Processes & Stellar Atmospheres (even years)
PHYS 320 Modern Physics I
PHYS 321 Modern Physics Laboratory 
PHYS 330 Analytic Mechanics I
PHYS 385 Introduction to Theoretical Physics
PHYS 430 Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 460 Electricity & Magnetism II 
PHYS 480 Introduction to Optics & Photonics 
PHYS 491 Advanced Laboratory Techniques I - GWAR
PHYS 701 Classical Mechanics
PHYS 715 Lasers & Quantum Optics (odd years)
PHYS 725 Special & General Relativity (odd years)
PHYS 726 Quantum Field Theory (even years)
PHYS 775 Statistical Physics 
PHYS 785 Theoretical Physics 
PHYS 885 Inclusive Pedagogy for the Physical Sciences
Courses offered in Spring semesters:
Course Title
ASTR 300 Stars, Planets & the Milky Way
ASTR 340 The Big Bang - GWAR
ASTR 405 Exoplanetary Science (even years)
ASTR 470 Observational Techniques
ASTR 498 Astronomy Research Literature (odd years)
ASTR 742 Galaxies & Cosmology (odd years)
ASTR 770 Observational Techniques in Astro. Research (even years)
ASTR 798 Astro Research Literature (with ASTR 498) (odd years)
PHYS 325 Modern Physics II (sporadically)
PHYS 360 Electricity & Magnetism I
PHYS 370 Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics
PHYS 431 Quantum Mechanics II (sporadically)
PHYS 440 Computational Physics (even years)
PHYS 450 Introduction to Solid State Physics (sporadically)
PHYS 457 Introduction to Analog Electronics (substitute ENGR 205 & 206 until further notice)
PHYS 704 Electricity & Magnetism I 
PHYS 706 Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 710 Advanced Laboratory Techniques II
PHYS 712 Plasma Physics (odd years)
PHYS 730 Photonics & Nanomaterials (sporadically)
PHYS 740 Computational Physics (paired with PHYS 440) (even years)
Courses in other fields that may count as electives for B.A./B.S. degrees:
Course Title
CHEM courses with numbers 300 and above
ENGR courses with numbers 300 and above
ERTH courses with numbers 400 and above
MATH courses with numbers 300 and above
BIOL 609 Physics in Medicine
BIOL 627 Biophysics
BIOL 665 Optical Engineering for the Biological Sciences
EED 655 Hands-on Undergraduate Science Education Experience